Why Everyone Should Install Roof Anchors On Their Roof

In order to work safely especially when cleaning gutters and roofs, work safe BC requires that on any roof over 10ft, where an employee needs to get near the edge, they are required to wear fall arrest safety equipment and be certified with their fall arrest training.


As you can imagine, when it comes to gutter cleaning this is always going to be an issue. Many of the gutters can be cleaned from a ladder but there’s just too many times where roof access is needed. As new homes are built here in the Okanagan, more and more contractors are beginning to install roof anchors at the time of the build.



This is great! Unfortunately most homes here in Kelowna do not have roof anchors and so we at Next Level are able to install permanent or temporary roof anchors, insuring our technicians can clean safely, and for future convenience.


Contributed by: Live Next Level Window Cleaning – Foremost Experts in window and gutter cleaning and home maintenance.

Brandon Gawdun
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